SAS webinar: Dynamic processes in the Arctic Ocean

Zoom webinar #4 2024 on Monday 23 September, 12:00 – 13:30 UTC

Announcement of webinar #4: Dynamic processes in the Arctic Ocean

The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) aims to map the present states and ongoing changes of the Arctic Ocean ecosystem, carbon cycle and associated hydrography. It does so by enhancing ongoing ocean monitoring with ship-based measurements.

This webinar showcases how ocean dynamics influences different processes of the Arctic Ocean. The circulation of water masses redistributes nutrients that provide the sustenance for the lower trophic levels of food webs in the marine ecosystem. It will be moderated by Øyvind Paasche, the chair of the SAS scientific steering committee, who will also give a brief introduction to the SAS initiative. There will be three solicited talks with room for questions and discussions:

    1. Peigen Lin – Associate professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
      • Recent state transition of the Beaufort Gyre
    2. Andreas Rogge – Post doc. at Alfred Wegner Institute, Germany
      • Dense shelf water propagation and subduction drives lateral injection of particulate organic carbon into the deep Nansen Basin
    3. Johan Wikner -Professor at Umeå University, Sweden
      • Contribution from prokaryotes to the Central Arctic Ocean carbon cycling

The webinar will take place in Zoom. If you would like to join the webinar, please register to receive the meeting link:

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SAS webinar: Sea-ice and its impact on the Arctic Ocean

Zoom webinar #3 2024: on Monday 17 June, 12:00 – 13:30 UTC

Announcement of webinar #3: Sea-ice and its impact on the Arctic Ocean

The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) aims to map the present states and ongoing changes of the Arctic Ocean ecosystem, carbon cycle and associated hydrography. It does so by enhancing ongoing ocean monitoring with ship-based measurements.

This webinar showcases how the characteristic sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean is varying, and how changes in sea-ice cover affect both the global carbon cycle and Arctic marine ecosystems. It will be moderated by Are Olsen, the co-chair of the SAS scientific steering committee, who will also give a brief introduction to the SAS initiative. There will be three solicited talks with room for questions and discussions:

    1. Jakob Dörr – Post doc at University of Bergen, Norway
      • Present and future influence of ocean heat transport on winter Arctic sea-ice variability
    2. Zhangxian Ouyang – Researcher at University of Delaware, USA
      • Sea-ice loss amplifies decadal surface CO2 increase and enhances ocean acidification in the western Arctic Ocean
    3. Yuri Fukai – Post doc at JAMSTEC, Japan
      • Impact of sea-ice dynamics on the spatial distribution of diatoms in sediments of the Pacific Arctic Region

The webinar will take place in Zoom. If you would like to join the webinar, please register to receive the meeting link:

Continue reading “SAS webinar: Sea-ice and its impact on the Arctic Ocean”