Zoom webinar on Monday 18 November, 13:00 – 14:30 (UTC)

The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) aims to map the present states and ongoing changes of the Arctic Ocean ecosystem, carbon cycle and associated hydrography. It does so by enhancing ongoing ocean monitoring with ship-based measurements.
This webinar showcases recent updates on carbon exchange between the different pools in the carbon cycle of the Arctic Ocean. Marine carbon originates from river run-off (terrestrial) or air-sea fluxes (atmospheric) and is exported to the deep through large-scale currents where it feeds benthic organisms, if there is sufficient light and other nutrients. There will be three solicited talks with room for questions and discussions:
- Caroline Gjelstrup – Postdoc. at DTU Aqua, Denmark
- Tracing the origins and fate of freshwater and organic carbon in the lower limb of the AMOC
- Sayaka Yasunaka – Professor at Tohoku University, Japan
- Karl Attard – Associate professor at University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
- Seafloor primary production in a changing Arctic Ocean: Status and trends
The webinar will take place in Zoom. If you would like to join the webinar, please register to receive the meeting link:
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