SAS March Webinar



March 16th – Large-Scale Arctic Insights, 14:00 – 15:30 UTC (15:00 – 16:30 CET)

The Arctic Ocean is brimming with change. In SAS, we’re trying to approach and understand the totality of change and how it potentially connects the different compartments of the ocean. In this new March seminar we are extremely happy to present a diverse set of excellent speakers who will share recent insights on large scale Arctic oceanography, biology, and biogeochemistry in the spirit of the SAS. All are welcome to join. 

Mary-Louise Timmermans (Yale University): Ocean heat and freshwater dynamics and change in the Canadian Basin

Bodil Bluhm (University of Tromsø): Bio-physical coupling on the pan-Artic continental slope

Jens Terhaar (University of Bern): Around one third of current Arctic Ocean primary production sustained by rivers and coastal erosion



SAS January Webinar

The planning of the 2021 field season is well underway, and several important Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) cruises will take place.

On this occasion we would like to invite you to join the SAS January Webinar, where we will be learning about some of these cruises, and the finer details that goes into biological sampling programs. We will also learn the latest about drivers of Arctic ocean acidification.

There will be time for questions and discussions after each presentation.

Date, time and location:

January 28. 2021

14:00 – 15:30 UTC (15:00 – 16:30 CET)

Online, see details below



Pauline Snoeijs Leijonmalm (Stockholm University)

­Organizing a biological core parameter program for the SAS-Oden 2021 expedition

Heidemarie Kassens (GEOMAR)

Arctic Century – International expedition onboard research icebreaker Akademik Tryoshnikov 

Karl Adam Ulfsbo (University of Gothenburg)

Drivers of ocean acidification in the Arctic Ocean


The Webinar will take place in GoToMeeting. Please submit your e-mail in this form to get the meeting ID and password (the contact will only be used for this webinar, and the list will be deleted after two months).

Feel free to distribute this throughout your community and network.

See you there!

Meet our new coordinator, Anne Kari

Hello Anne Kari Øhman Meisingset!

  • What is your background? I have an MSc in chemical oceanography from the University of Bergen where I studied the increase in anthropogenic CO2 in the Nordic seas and Arctic Ocean. After finishing my degree last year, I participated in an ICOS Norway project, and I have been working on getting my thesis published.
  • What will you be doing in the SAS project? I will join the SAS team as a coordinator.
  • What fascinates you about the Arctic? There is so many fascinating things about the Arctic, but what intrigues me the most is all the unanswered questions and the ability to be a part of a community that might answer some of them. For example, how will climate change affect the Arctic region, and how will the physical, chemical, and biological processes respond to that change? When I worked on my thesis I never really knew what to expect from my results in the Arctic Ocean since there is not many findings to compare with, and it was always exciting to dive into different theories that could explain what I found.