The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) – Informational Meeting during the AGU’s Fall meeting in San Francisco
December 11, 2019, 14:30 – 15:30
ARCUS Community Meeting Room Monterrey II
Hotel Nikko
222 Mason St.
San Francisco, CA
The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) is an ongoing international
program conducting a multi-nation, oceanographic field based
effort on a Pan Arctic Scale over two years (2020-2021) during a
single season (late summer).
With this the SAS seeks to achieve the baseline understanding of
the fundamental structure and function of the linked
carbon-ecosystem-physical systems that will permit detection of
ongoing and future changes in the Arctic Ocean.
The first cruises will take place in late summer 2020. Several
cruises will also take place in 2021. Join us for an informal
update on the status of the international efforts.
All are welcome.
Øyvind Paasche (International SAS Science Steering Committee
Chair (SSC)) and Carin Ashjian (Int.’l SSC Member and Co-Chair, US SSC)
Open Planning Workshop, Woods Hole, May 15-16, 2019
The workshop reviewed the scientific goals, planned and proposed cruises in 2020-21 and associated measurements of the SAS as well as expanding studies with the SAS Science Plan. Full report is available here.