SAS webinar: Examples of results from SAS expeditions

Announcement of webinar #1 with portrait photos of each of the three speakers

Zoom webinar #1 2024: on Monday 4 March, 14:00 – 16:30 (UTC+1)

The Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) is a researcher-driven initiative that aims to enhance ongoing ocean monitoring with ship-based measurements, to establish the present states of the Arctic Ocean ecosystem, carbon cycle and associated hydrography. SAS has coordinated a multi-ship survey using an international fleet of icebreakers and research vessels, where more than 25 cruises from 11 different nations collected a set of parameters across the Arctic Ocean in 2020-2022. This comprehensive dataset will allow for unprecedented assessments and provide a unique baseline to track future climate change and its impacts.

This webinar showcases some of the results from the above mentioned SAS cruises. It will be moderated by Øyvind Paasche, the chair of the SAS scientific steering committee, who will also give a brief introduction to the SAS initiative. Continue reading “SAS webinar: Examples of results from SAS expeditions”

SAS synthesis workshop report

Group photo of participants of the SAS synthesis workshop in Woods HoleThe SAS synthesis phase was initiated with a workshop in Woods Hole, June 7-9, 2023. Almost 40 participants brainstormed ideas for synthesis papers and how to establish an online SAS atlas of the Artic Ocean (as has been done for all the other oceans in the WOCE atlas).

Carin Ashjian hosted the workshop at the top floor of the Clark building at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute with a magnificent view of the Atlantic Ocean. A selection of the wonderful images taken by photographer Leonard Sussman on the Healy cruise to the North Pole were displayed during the workshop.

On the first day of the workshop, Øyvind Paasche introduced the background of the SAS initiative and the need to move forwards. All country representatives gave overviews of cruises contributing to the SAS data collection, and suggestions for pan-Arctic themes to study. Several participants presented results from individual cruises. The second day was used for discussions in break-out groups and in plenary. On the third day, we compiled a list of synthesis papers with assigned working groups and agreed on the road ahead. The full SAS synthesis workshop report describes this in more details. Continue reading “SAS synthesis workshop report”