SAS workshop June 7-9 2023 in Woods Hole

Illustrative photo of research cruise in the ice-covered Arctic Ocean

Save the dates!

The next international Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) workshop will be held June 7-9, 2023, in Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, USA.

Here we can share cruise reports, scientific results and discuss plans for collaborative studies. The workshop will include both oral presentations, poster sessions, discussions and smaller break-out sessions. Everyone relating to SAS is welcome to participate.

More information on registration and abstract submission will come.

Hope to see you in Woods Hole in June!

SAS session at ISAR-7 in Tokyo

Image of call-for-abstracts flyer of ISAR-7

On March 6-10, 2023, the Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-7) will take place in Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan.

SAS has organized a special session (S4) to discuss the results from SAS cruises and provide an opportunity to start the synthesis phase.

All researchers related to SAS are encouraged to attend the SAS session. Please submit your abstract at the ISAR-7 webpage before October 31, 2022:

We hope to see you in Tokyo next year!


ISAR-7 session description:

(S4) Synoptic Arctic Survey – international collaboration for Arctic Ocean transdisciplinary studies

Main convener: Shigeto Nishino; Co-conveners: Carin Ashjian, Kumiko Azetsu-Scott, Kyoung-Ho Cho, Jacqueline Grebmeier, Jianfeng He, Motoyo Itoh, Sung-Ho Kang, Are Olsen, Øyvind Paasche, William Williams, Michiyo Yamamoto-Kawai

Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) is a coordinated multi-ship, multi-nation, pan-Arctic, ship-based sampling campaign during 2020-2022 to study pan-Arctic ocean-circulation, biogeochemical cycles, and marine ecosystems. In this session, we discuss the results from SAS cruises and transdisciplinary scientific issues ultimately to assess risks and to develop policies that allow effective management.

Synoptic Arctic Survey community meeting

A Synoptic Arctic Survey community meeting was held on March 31st, in conjunction with the Arctic Science Summit Week in Tromsø. This was a hybrid meeting, with altogether approximately 40 scientists, program managers and early career scientists attending. Everyone thought it was really nice to meet and interact in person again, after two years with only virtual meetings.

The SAS has evolved into a massive effort with a lot of cruises conducted in 2020 and 2021, and some planned for 2022. Partners from Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, South Korea, Sweden and the USA presented past and future cruises. We were in particular impressed by the unique data collected on the German/Russian/Swiss “Arctic Century expedition” to the Barents and Laptev Seas, and troubled by the challenges that this important collaboration is facing in the wake of the war in Ukraine.

We further discussed how to proceed with the synthesis phase that the Synoptic Arctic Survey is now entering. Data sharing and authors for the different papers are issues that need to be resolved in the coming year. We ended the day by enjoying freshly caught cod – or skrei – from the Lofoten area.

The report from the meeting is available here and most of the presentations are available below: