Pre-registration for the International SAS Synthesis Workshop in Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on June 7-9, 2023, has opened. Please fill out the pre-registration form to show us your interest so that we can plan for the number of attendees.
The workshop aims to discuss how to move forward with synthesis of data and of results, in order to achieve the baseline understanding of the fundamental structure and function of the linked carbon-ecosystem-physical systems in the Arctic Ocean. The goals are to overview the cruise results, establish networks of archived datasets, identify teams to address the key SAS research questions, and draft synthesis papers. It also provides an opportunity for teams of modelers and observationalists to identify projects that would use the SAS data in modeling efforts that expand understanding of the Arctic system.
The workshop is set up as a two- and a half-day program (until lunch on Friday June 9th), likely with plenary presentations in the morning and different break-out discussions in the afternoon. There will be opportunities for a modest number of posters to be available on each of the first two days. A registration fee of up to 100 USD to cover expenses on coffee breaks and lunch may be needed. Each participant must cover their own travel and accommodation costs.
For recommendations on travel and accommodation, please see the SAS Workshop Travel Information sheet.